Spring is a time when the earth is born a new. It’s the ACTUAL new year. When the animals come out from hibernation, when the foliage begins to grow in beautiful shades of green, and when nature glows for the first time in a while. In this post, we shall find out the perfect crystals for spring equinox 2022. Remember, you can use these crystals the whole of spring – not just for the equinox.
The spring equinox is around the corner! It usually lies around 19—21 March. This is the moment when the equator of the earth directly aligns with the center of the sun. (The equator is an imaginary line that divides the earth into two, horizontally.) The spring equinox signifies new beginnings and vitality. (It’s also around the same time I was born!)
It’s the time to release dormant energies by rearranging your space and letting out stale air. Today, I decided to move my furniture and burn some incense sticks to realign the energies in my room. I’m not exactly the most spiritual person in the room but I do love me some healing crystals. I also like to keep an eye out for equinoxes, solstices, and other stuff like new moons.
To learn how to use crystals, you can check out this video below:
Since the spring equinox is upon us, I decided to share some of the best crystals to use in the spring equinox.
Best Crystals for Spring Equinox
Here are the 7 best crystals for spring equinox:
1 | Green Aventurine
Number #1 in best crystals for spring equinox 2022: Green aventurine. Green aventurine is the perfect stone for new growths and manifesting wealth and opportunity. It is helpful for renewing your affirmations and taking up a positive mindset. Green aventurine is also great for rejuvenating you in the Spring equinox, and if your year didn’t start off right, this can be your new year.
2 | Sunstone
Sunstone crystals are relevant during the spring equinox because the sun is directly overhead the equator. This fiery crystal is important for light, energy, warmth, clarity and strength. Bring this stone with you during your meditation and practice mindfulness to feel the warmth of love wash over you.
3 | Peridot
This gorgeous olive-colored crystal signifies new patterns and cycles of life. Use this to begin your new growth journey. It is also great dispelling negative thoughts that make you feel undeserving of success. Carry this crystal with you in the spring equinox and feel its presence removing negative vibrations. This is the perfect crystal to use in the spring equinox.
4 | Moss agate
Another great spring equinox crystal is moss agate. Moss agate is also a crystal for new beginnings, and this is why it’s important for the spring equinox. It’s mostly used as a crystal for nature and gardening. That means it’s great to enjoy its properties while out in nature. Moss agate is perfect for abundance affirmations, for example for wealth and love.
5 | Merlinite
Merlinite is a stone known for its magical properties. It’s named after Merlin, so that makes sense! This stone is perfect for balancing and harmonizing your energy and vibrations during the spring equinox. If you need to neutralize your negative vibrations in time for a new beginning, then practice mindfulness with merlinite crystals.
6 | Ocean Jasper
If you feel an affinity to the ocean or waves, this crystal is perfect for you. It’s also known as the Atlantis stone. Ocean jasper uses its frequency vibrations to reduce stress and bring peace and calm. It’s perfect for anxiety and cognitive distortions like magnifying problems and wrongfully reading other’s problems. Keep a few of perfect spring equinox crystals in your pocket to feel the clam throughout this season.
7 | Tree agate
Finally for the top 7 crystals for Spring Equinox: Tree agate. It is also known as the dendritic agate. It is an important crystal for anyone seeking help, therapy, medication and new beginnings. It inspires solidness and stability. You can use this crystal for growth affirmations. Simply place the crystal between your palms and channel a high vibration to match the feeling of your affirmations coming to reality.
Crystals for Mental Health
In addition to using crystals in the spring equinox, crystals can also be used to boost mental health. You can use them during positive affirmations. Some crystals like the ocean jasper are perfect for anxiety. Crystals are very useful in correcting cognitive distortions. Use crystals as a guide and reminder to think more positive and achieve better mindsets.
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