This is a post on 10 college life hacks you need to know.
College life isn’t only about school and studying. In fact, one would argue that it’s the first step into the real world. I would agree with one.
Sure, college is for getting educated. But you get educated in more than one way. You get to learn who you are, and maybe you don’t like who you are, and then you have to change. College is pretty life-changing if you ask me.
Without further ado, here are your most important college life hacks that might save your life. (Haha, kidding…or not.)
College Life Hacks You Need to Know 10 Tips to Survive College
Read about the college life hacks that are not necessarily all about how to pass all your classes:
1 . Meet lots of people
The number one college life hack is to introduce yourself to a lot of people. These people have the potential to be great friends, or not. Some will end up being people you don’t want to be friends with. That is why it’s important to make acquaintance with a lot of people so you know what your sample size is for pickings.
2 . Make friends
Once you’ve learned the personalities of the people you’ve made acquaintance with, you can now begin to choose your friends based on your shared interests.
College friends have the capability to transform your college experience to something fun and productive. That leads us to the next point:
3 . Learn to break up with friends
You never really get to know people until you’ve spent a considerable amount of time with them. Sometimes, you don’t like them after getting to know them. This is why it’s important to know that it’s okay to break up with friends you made. It’s completely normal and in fact should be done so you don’t get stuck with a toxic person.
4 . Study every day
Another college life hack is to study every day. Studying every day is essential in college because it’s hard to predict when you will have that sort of free time again. Time is pretty unpredictable in college.
Studying every day shouldn’t be hard in college if you are taking the courses that you actually like. In college, you have a lot of independence in choosing what you want to do.
5 . Always go to class
In college, make sure to always attend class. This will help you to remember things better. A lot of people skip class and study later but that isn’t ideal.
When you attend class, you get to understand things better and from someone who actually knows what they are talking about.
6 . Always do assignments
One of the best college life hacks is to always do assignments and turn them in in time.
Pay special attention to coursework because most lecturers bring those same questions in tests and exams.
7 . Read up on manipulation
This college life hack makes a lot of sense. College is full of people who want to take advantage of you. That is why you need to read up on manipulation and understand when you are being manipulated. People use all sorts of manipulation to trick you into doing things for them.
8 . Watch out for red flags
Be wary of red flags and be sure to drop people who have red flags like hot potatoes. Don’t be afraid of hurting anyone’s feelings. This is your life we are talking about. This leads me to the next point:
9 . Learn to be tough
You might have been coasting through life being a nice person that doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. Here’s a hard pill to swallow: Life is tough and you should be too. College is a look into the real world. It’s where you should practice being tough as nails. There are people who want to take advantage of naïve souls, and you should be tough.
10 . Set boundaries
Once again, if you don’t have boundaries, college is the time to set some. Boundaries are very important for anyone, let alone college students. College is a place where people from all walks of life merge. Some will be nice and some will be not so nice. Learn to know what you want and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
That’s it for the college life hacks that you need to know. This list was a combination of life skills and academic skills that you need to learn before you start college. If you are already a college student, it’s a good idea to polish up on these college life hacks.
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