This is a post on how to force yourself to study in college.
AH, yes. The freshman excitement.
That initial passion and drive that you have to finally live your life, free from your parent’s strict rules. It’s great. It’s amazing. College is amazing! Everything is finally in your control.
But… wait. Why is it so hard to study in college? Why does no one think of creating a strict study schedule? Suddenly you spiral into a lazy and lousy student.
College is fun, yeah. But what happens when you start feeling guilty for not putting enough effort into studying (which by the way is the only reason anyone goes to college in the first place.)
So, today, I wanted to talk about some ways how you can force yourself to study in college.
5 Ways to Force Yourself to Study in College
Here are a few lil tidbits to help you force yourself to study in college.
1 – Set an intention
You are not going to magically want to study one day. You have to put in the work, even if it means sitting down and having a chat with yourself. Make an intention. You can journal it, or look into your eyes in a mirror. Tell yourself that you are at least going to try to make things work.
Setting an intention is the first step in forcing yourself to study in college.
2 – Create a strict study schedule and routine
This is a life saver. There have been periods in my college life where I have been so lazy and lousy in college. What saved me? Creating a strict time for studying. I decided to experiment with different times. Early morning? Late night? Middle of the day?
In the end, I decided that studying at night was something that could work for me. So, every night, I would organize my study desk and begin to study.
This is something I carried into my life post-college. I trained myself to write every day at 2pm without fail. This system has helped me to get stuff done even when I feel like I couldn’t possible do anything that day. It works.
3 – Study every single day
Reading this might have made you feel sick. I know the feeling. Who wants to study every day? But here’s the thing: You’re not going to study the WHOLE day. You are only going to study for about an hour or two every day. If that seems too much, knock a few minutes off.
Make it part of your daily routine to study every day. I know how fun college can be. But if you take my advice and study every single day, it will be easier to get awesome grades.
How can I force myself to study in college?
4 – Find an effective study method
If you find it hard to study, you probably don’t have a specific study method to get you going. Do you sit at your study desk and wait for inspiration to strike? You’re not alone. However, you must have a study plan. There are specific study methods to help you get the most out of your study session. Examples include the R.E.A.P method, and the P.Q.R.S.T method. Here are my posts on some study methods:
These methods will motivate you into studying in college.
Forcing yourself to study in college.
5 – Study with friends
College is where you find some awesome (lifelong) friends. You should find friends who can be your study buddies. Make friends in every class that you attend. Be friendly to the students who seem to know a lot about the subjects you are taking.
Schedule study sessions with your friends. Trust me, no college student would turn down a study session with other students. Studying with other people is so important, and so effective. It works so well that sometimes people prefer to study with friends than go for actual classes.
Be sure to take advantage of your friends and get them to help you pass all your classes.
That’s it for how to force yourself to study in college. I hope you can use a few (or all) of these tips to get yourself to study in college. If you liked this post, be sure to leave a comment down below. It would make my day.
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