Hey, so you want to know how to revise for long hours? Don’t worry. It’s absolutely doable. If you set a few goals based on my tips, you will be well on your way to getting only A’s.
I’m actually so glad that you are interested in improving your focus and concentration for long hours. The best thing is to always have an intention and a few goals.
A few days ago, I watched some videos on personal development, so I have a tip for you to try out. The guy was talking about writing your goals down. And I know you have heard about this so many times, but have you ever done it? Write down 2-3 big goals that you have for the next 12 months. Just do it. And then, stick it up in a place you will look at every day.
The science behind this tip is that you are sending a message to your brain/mind. Your brain will begin working behind the scenes to make decisions for you that will bring you closer to your goals. It just makes so much sense to me.
That’s why I also think it’s a good idea to say “affirmations” out loud. Affirmations are some phrases you say to yourself (even if you don’t believe them) and they help to change your thoughts and make you more confident.
They also tell your brain what you want so it can work on it behind the scenes.
Whew. I just wanted to share that with you.
Let’s get into how to revise for long hours.
5 Tips to Revise for Long Hours
Without further ado, I’ll share some tips that help me to revise for long hours.
Set bite-sized goals
I’m all about goals. Set those goals. Set big goals. Set small goals. Just set the goals!
When you are starting a revision session, write a to-do list. Cross out your tasks one by one. Focus on one task at a time. Commit to actually following through with this. Make those bite-sized goals.
Take more breaks
I cannot stress this enough. If you want to survive a long revision session, you need to take frequent breaks.
It can be tempting to just study for 2 hours with no breaks, but don’t do it!
it will reduce your productivity. Take breaks every 15-30 min, or even less time if you want. But don’t make your breaks too long.
A simple break can be standing up and stretching, then hydrating. Maybe rest your eyes by closing them, or looking at a spot far away.
Sleep better
If you are a student who is finding it hard to focus for long hours, you might want to start sleeping for 10 hours.
I know that they say you should sleep for 8 hours, but I promise what you need is probably 10 hours.
Dopamine detox
If you are finding it hard to revise for long hours, you have to consider doing a dopamine detox. This is something you might have seen popping up on youtube.
Everyone today is addicted to social media. The thing about social media is that it blows up our brains with a lot of dopamine. Dopamine is a feel-good hormone that is produced by the brain in response to some sort of stimulus (in this case it’s likes, or views).
The more dopamine and excitement that you are feeling, the more boring everything else becomes. When was the last time you lived in the moment? Are you always on your phone?
Why would revising seem remotely interesting to you if you can just go on Instagram and enjoy some instant dopamine?
Our brains don’t see the point in revising.
If you reduce your social media time, or quit for a few weeks, your brain will come off the constant high of social media. You might be able to start revising like a normal human being, and not someone who is hooked on getting a dopamine rush.
Find your ideal revision method
If you can’t hold your attention for long hours maybe you are working in a way that doesn’t work for you. Learn to work smarter, not harder. Don’t repeat a revision method that doesn’t work over and over again. Experiment, and figure out something that works better.
That’s it from me on how to revise for long hours. I hope you benefited from this post. If you did, or if you have any other tips to share, please leave a comment –it will make my day!
Shellofashadow says
This blog has really amazing tips for studying and mental health, which is refreshing. Studying seems more bearable now, especially the part about setting goals and how it helps you visualize and motivate yourself. Thanks!
Shellofashadow says
This blog has really amazing tips for studying and mental health, which is something we need to see more as they depend and affect each other.
Studying seems more bearable now, especially the tip about how setting goals helps your brain visualize and be more motivated to complete them. Thanks!
Ananta says
I love your blog Aza!!! Cognitive Heights for life!!