This is a post about how to stop being angry at yourself.
There are so many reasons why you would be angry at yourself.
However, make sure that you are angry at yourself for a completely logical reason. The first step is to ask yourself if your anger towards yourself is logical.
All anger is valid. But in order to stop being angry at yourself, you might want to start by justifying your actions, you know what I mean?
I get angry at myself all the time. Or at least I used to.
Enough about me, here is how to stop being angry at yourself.
Stop Being Angry at Yourself – 4 Important Things to Remember
I would really like you to stop being angry at yourself. It doesn’t do anyone good to be angry at themselves. I mean, maybe you can promise yourself never to do that same thing ever again. There has to be some sort of compromise you can reach to stop the anger.
Even then, here are 4 things you should remember:
Perspective is Important
What I mean is that, maybe you are angry at yourself but need to view this whole situation from an outsider’s perspective. As much as your feelings are real and valid, maybe you are being a bit too harsh on yourself.
Call up a friend and tell them about it. They might give you a different perspective that helps you to stop being angry at yourself. Or, they can provide some emotional support.
Forget the past
I’ll tell you something: Everyone has made mistakes and everyone continually screws up. Take a deep breath and try to forgive yourself. Forget the past. You are not that person anymore. And even if you still are, life is incredibly subjective. You literally can’t share similar values with someone as close to you as your parents. Maybe what you did was completely normal?
Stop blaming yourself
The blame has got to stop, now. We need to become better at self compassion and forgiveness. Don’t blame yourself for things that were beyond your control. And even if they were in your control, if it was really meant to be, it would have gone right.
Disappointment is part of life
My final piece to part to you is that disappointment is a big part of life. I’m not even trying to be a pessimistic negative person. I recently watched a TED talk and the speaker made it clear that shit happens to everyone. It doesn’t pick and choose according to how good you are.
Watch the video:
Stop the self-anger!
I need you to know that you are okay. It’s okay to be angry at yourself, but don’t transform that anger to hate and loathing. Emotions like anger don’t have to last more than a few seconds. Learn to cope and bounce back from difficult emotions by setting in place some healthy coping mechanisms.
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