Are you looking for supplements to boost your mood? Here are 8 perfectly safe and natural supplements used by people all over the world to improve moods.
As a precaution, I’d like to say that if you are facing extreme difficulties like depression or suicidal thoughts, please talk to a professional or click through to this link of suicide hotlines. Before taking supplements to improve your mood, be sure to consult with a medical professional.
Depression can be linked to lack of certain nutrients in the diet. Mood disorders are usually linked to traumatic incidents that cause our cognitive functions to change. Examples of such include depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, among others. However, did you know that there are other surprising causes of depression that are not really related to any colossal events in our lives? Examples would include lack of certain nutrients in our bodies, for example Vitamin D.
Please remember to always consult a professional before taking these supplements for stress reduction.
Taking supplements is a great way to target mood disorders caused by a suspected lack of nutrients in the body. Here, I have compiled a list of the best 8 supplements to boost your mood.
8 Supplements to Boost Your Mood
Let’s get into the best 8 supplements to boost your mood below:
1 | Amino Acid Supplements
Amino acid supplements are great for boosting your mood. Why? Amino acids are needed by the body to create some of the mood boosting hormones in our bodies, for example serotonin. Serotonin is a hormone that is responsible for many cognitive functions including boosting your mood, improving learning and memory, and many others.
2 | Magnesium
Ever heard that magnesium is Valium straight from nature? If you don’t know what valium is, it’s a drug that’s popular for its calming and relaxing effects. It’s a drug that is prescribed for anxiety, alcohol withdrawal and other such conditions. Magnesium is responsible for managing the stress hormone called cortisol. Out of hand cortisol levels can cause anxiety. Therefore, magnesium is a great supplement to boost your mood.
3 | Fish Oil Supplements/Omega-3
My dad always said omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil was extremely healthy. That’s true. Omega-3 supplements are some of the most popular supplements taken out there. We always had fish oil supplements in our kitchen growing up. They are useful for boosting your mood and various other cognitive functions.
4 | Vitamin D Supplements to boost your mood
Vitamin D is a nutrient that cannot be created by the body and has to be obtained through diet, or sunlight. Vitamin D is important for boosting mood as well. A deficiency in Vitamin D is cause for low moods and depression. Be sure to take Vitamin D supplements because they are a great supplement to boost your mood.
5 | Vitamin E
You’ve probably heard of Vitamin E being great for skin health. Vitamin E also has great benefits for cognitive health. Vitamin E keeps your cognitive health up and running, and it reduces cognitive decline. Deficiencies in Vitamin E can lead to disorders such as anxiety.
6 | Vitamin B Complex
It’s called a B-Complex because it contains B1, B2, B12, B6 and other B vitamins. Why is Vitamin B Complex a good supplement for boosting your mood? Studies show that deficiencies in B Vitamins are responsible for irritability, mood disturbance, poor sleep, memory problems, and disorders such as depression and anxiety. Consuming vitamin B supplements is great for cognitive health.
7 | Vitamin A to boost your mood
Vitamin A is great for eye health and good vision. However, it is also important in the brain for learning and memory. It is capable of improving cognitive functioning. Vitamin A is a good supplement to boost your mood.
8 | Herbal Supplements
There are so many herbs out there that help in boosting cognitive health! Ashwangandha from Ayurvedic India, is great for stress management. St. John’s Wort, was used during the times of the ancient Greeks for so many medicinal advantages, including treating depression. Other herbs for mood boosting include: Passionflower, Rhodiola, Ginseng, Chamomile and others. Be sure to check out medicinal herbs as supplements to boost your mood.
The Bottom Line
Mood disturbances can be a result of deficiencies in certain nutrients in your body. These can be effectively combatted through an improved diet, or using some of these great mood boosting supplements. Be sure to check through with your medical practitioner before using any of these.
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