The least amount of time you could take to meditate would probably be 2 minutes. The benefits of meditation include reducing depression and anxiety, improving your mood, and boosting your mental health. Meditation is an art that improves with dedication and practice. With that in mind, we have created a list of 10 ways to […]
Archives for June 2019
8 Foods to Help Beat Brain Fog
Are you trying to rid your mind of a pesky cloudy feeling? Difficulty remembering things, feeling unfocused and mental sluggishness are all signs of a brain fog. It’s time you turned to certain foods to help you beat brain fog. Food helps your cognitive functionality way more than you actually think. With these 8 foods […]
8 Ways to Clear Your Mind and Reduce Brain Fog
Surprisingly, brain fog is actually a lot more common than you think. You can describe it as your head being filled with wool, or having a cloudy feeling in your head. It makes you feel unfocused and unable to carry about easy mental tasks. Brain fog also makes it hard for you to remember things […]
The Best Way to Reduce Stress Naturally Without Meds
“Between stimulus and response is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom”—Dr. Viktor Frankl This is my favorite quote for managing stress. Stress is something that we can control. It is in our power to control stress, because stress is our own […]