This is a post on how to be more aware and present in your life.
When you read this, take three deep breaths.
Life is incredibly fast paced and we are more and more absent minded.
This makes it hard to really feel everything that is happening to you.
Sometimes we need to slow down and be more mindful. Mindfulness involves lots of deep breaths, noticing the things around you and being aware.
In this post, read about how to be more aware and present in your life.
7 Ways to Be More Aware and Present in Your Life
Here are 7 tiny ways for you to incorporate awareness and being present in your life. Remember that it all works best if you do it with the intention of being more in tune with yourself and your surroundings.
1 . Spend more time in quiet
Solitude is important for humans.
It lets you get away from the constant information dumping that goes on in our lives today.
Keep your phone away and try not to think about googling the first thing that comes into your mind.
Sit with a cup of hot tea and reflect.
2 . Watch the sunrise
Watching the sunrise is one of the best ways to be more aware and present in your life.
It lets you get out of your head and watch something so pure in nature.
We rarely ever take the time to just be.
3 . Eat plant based
Eating plant based is a good idea to be more aware and in tune with your body.
Think about the nutrition that you are getting from the food you eat.
Be mindful of your food.
Stay away from food that makes you feel bad. Learn to listen to your body and avoid what it hates.
4 . Practice guided meditation
Meditation can be really hard for some people.
If you are one of those people, guided meditation is what you need. Guided meditation videos can be found on YouTube. These are soft prompts you follow to feel more relaxed and present.
Meditation is one of the best ways to look inside and see what you truly feel.
5 . Reduce time on social media
Social media makes us really absent minded.
Try to reduce your time on social media. I also recommend giving it up completely for a few days.
Social media makes us less aware and present in our lives. That is why if you want to be mindful, it is important to reduce social media.
6 . Go to sleep with no distraction
Are you one of those people that turns off the lights, gets into bed and begins to scroll on social media?
If you want to be more present, try to sleep without any phone usage.
Do it with the intention of being more present and aware. This can help you to feel like you are taking a moment to pause and just live.
7 . Journal
Journaling is one of the most underrated tools for being more aware and present in your life.
It helps you to sort through your feelings. It’s about talking to yourself about yourself.
Journaling helps you figure out why you act the way you do and why you want what you want.
It is my favorite way to sit down with myself and discuss all things me.
Slow down and be Present
It’s a great idea to slow down once in a while. Go offline for a few days. Go plant based.
Try to reset your entire body and mind.
That’s how you can learn to be more aware and present in your life.
Watch the video:
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