Coping skills are needed when life gets a bit much. Learn how to stop crying when depressed. I’m no stranger to crying when depressed. If I had a dollar for how many times I’ve cried due to being depressed… Well, let’s just say I would be very rich. I’m pretty skilled at crying at all […]
Best 8 Supplements to Boost Your Mood
Are you looking for supplements to boost your mood? Here are 8 perfectly safe and natural supplements used by people all over the world to improve moods. As a precaution, I’d like to say that if you are facing extreme difficulties like depression or suicidal thoughts, please talk to a professional or click through to […]
How to Figure Out What You Truly Want in Life + Free Self Discovery Worksheet
“Life is alchemy, and emotions are the fire that turns me to gold.” – Glennon Doyle, Untamed. A lot of us have buried our wants and desires. We did that because we wanted to make other people happy. This starts from a young age, and seeps into our very being. That means that as you […]
Unethical Guide to Setting Boundaries
Is setting boundaries hard for you? I know, SAME. This post is a reflection of my anger towards how it is such a task for me to not be an empath, people pleaser and doormat. Keep reading for my 17 hot and evil techniques for reclaiming your power. Unethical Guide to Setting Boundaries for doormats, […]