I don’t even want to type this for fear that I’m going to attract more of it. But today, I feel ugly. It’s actually a bit crazy because I’ve been on a great spell of self love and being grateful for how I look. Suddenly I feel like I don’t look good. I’ve just been […]
How I’m Unlearning All I’ve Been Taught About Emotions
We grow up with this set of beliefs and unspoken rules that we either come up with ourselves due to circumstance or experience—or they are instilled in us through parents, teachers and friends. Some people go through toxic relationships with these mentors and peers. As a child, this shapes who you are going to be. […]
The One Thing You Need to Fix for Your Life to be Completely Changed
In this journey towards self-betterment, we always try to find ways to fix our lives. What can we do to make life 1% better? We actively pursue our higher selves. In this post, I’ll exploring what it takes to fix your life, one rogue emotion at a time. As is my nature, I’m always deep […]
8 Ways to Clear Your Mind and Reduce Brain Fog
Surprisingly, brain fog is actually a lot more common than you think. You can describe it as your head being filled with wool, or having a cloudy feeling in your head. It makes you feel unfocused and unable to carry about easy mental tasks. Brain fog also makes it hard for you to remember things […]