“Between stimulus and response is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom”—Dr. Viktor Frankl This is my favorite quote for managing stress. Stress is something that we can control. It is in our power to control stress, because stress is our own […]
How to be Your Own Best Friend: Easy Guide + Free Checklist
Being your own best friend? Some of us can’t even fathom that. We loathe ourselves, find ourselves disgusting, and in general just hate ourselves. This kind of behavior is going to cost you a lot. You are denying yourself the amazing benefits of being your own best friend. Being your own best friend means you […]
8 Ways to Clear Your Mind of Stress
It’s very important to routinely remind yourself that stress is the body’s natural response to your external environment. Of course, we hate being stressed and we want to feel calm and relaxed, even when stressed. That’s because being stressed is very uncomfortable. Cue overthinking, blowing things out of proportion, hyperventilation, heart palpitations, sweating, chest pain […]
What not to do When You’re Depressed
Once in a while, you might find yourself depressed. Or maybe you have a clinically diagnosed depression disorder. There are a bunch of things you can do to reduce your depression. You know the works—eating healthier, working out, reading good books, talking to friends and finding hobbies that make you happier in general. How about […]