I’m excited to announce my new e-book on Narcissism. Check it out here. Going no-contact with a narcissist can be hard, especially if you are not prepared enough. That’s why I have compiled a list of these 6 things narcissists do when you go no-contact. They range from what a narcissist is feeling deep inside. […]
How to Be a Leveled-Up Boss Babe
What does it mean to be a boss babe? I’m sure you know a couple of boss babes in your life. They are the ones who have unbounded levels of confidence. They exude positive vibes and everything just seems to be going right for them. On the other hand, there’s you. Well, you aren’t half-bad, […]
5 Crucial Life Skills for Empaths and Codependents
I’m excited to announce my new e-book on Narcissism. Click here to check it out! Empaths are people who are really attuned to the people and surroundings around them, in that they are capable of feeling other’s thoughts and feelings. They can be very emotional about things like news on TV, other people’s struggles, tragedies, […]
How to Be Self-Partnered Like Emma Watson
A lot of us are pretty disconnected from the self. For some people it’s pretty bad, but for others it would be really easy to get into a self-partnership. Some of us need to go deep within and start healing those mindsets that make us feel inadequate, unloveable, unworthy, low self-esteem and the like. […]