This post is about how to stop being angry at the world. Everyone has a moment in their life where they just look up towards the sky and project their rage at the whole world. In this post, I’d like to bring your attention to some things that I personally like to remind myself of […]
How to Discover Your Mental Health Triggers and What to Do When Triggered
I’m glad we live in a time when mental health is taken seriously. Mental health is just as important as physical health. However, it doesn’t stop with acknowledging that mental health exists. You need to educate yourself more on mental health. That is why I decided to write about mental health triggers. These can be […]
Getting Angry Over Nothing – 5 Tips for Anger
Are you struggling with getting angry over nothing? I know, me too. Or at least I used to. Nowadays, I’m super chill. I kind of just realized that anger doesn’t do me much help. Even if anger gives you the indication that your boundaries are being tested, the way you react doesn’t have to be […]
7 Ways to Avoid Getting Angry
This is a post on how to avoid getting angry. It’s a helpful list, if I do say so myself. That’s because I am someone who gets angry easily. At least I used to be.