A collection of books written or published in 2021, so just know that these books are super recent. Let’s get into the top 5 self help books in 2021.
How to Reduce Task Avoidance in Every Day Life
1. Break your work into smaller tasks
2. Delete tasks from your to-do list
3. Commit to doing an average job
4. Work in short bursts of time
5. Use affirmations
6. Reward yourself
7. My special tip: Using a stop watch
20 Ways to Use Empty Notebooks
What to do with empty notebooks? I got you covered. Do you have old empty notebooks lying around? I can relate. I have this inner satellite that draws me towards the stationery isle every time I go to a store. That means I have tons of empty notebooks lying around. Some have stuff in the […]
How to Stop Being an Angry Parent
In this post, I will be talking about how to stop being an angry parent. First of all, I’m not a parent. However, I do know how I’d want my parents to treat me. I think parenting a child is a huge responsibility. Being angry and lashing out is something that I used to do […]