Perception is everything. It can cause you to go from being a lazy and unmotivated bum to a studious and interested student. So, that begs the question: How can I change my perception in order to study better? Well, my friends, this is all about hacking the mind into doing exactly what you want it […]
How to Study When You Don’t Have Motivation
This is a post on how to study when you don’t have the motivation you need. Here’s the thing: Don’t wait around for motivation to strike in order to start studying. That state of being 100% excited to study? It’s a rare and mythical creature. Most of the time, studying is done with no motivation […]
Best Places to Study from at Home
Do you need some inspiration for new places to study from at home? Well, you’ve come to the right place. I know many of us don’t have huge options to choose form when it comes to studying from home. However, you can spice things up by changing your study location, or changing it up a […]
How to Force Yourself to Study in College
This is a post on how to force yourself to study in college. AH, yes. The freshman excitement. That initial passion and drive that you have to finally live your life, free from your parent’s strict rules. It’s great. It’s amazing. College is amazing! Everything is finally in your control. But… wait. Why is it […]