How can you be a perfect girlfriend? This is a list of ways to help you achieve that.
As girls, we don’t want to seem too into a guy.
Besides, guys don’t like it if you are too clingy.
These are just some of the do’s and don’ts of a perfect girlfriend.
How can you be a good girlfriend?
What determines a good girlfriend?
A good girlfriend is someone who feels confident in themselves and knows that a guy is just there to compliment her existence.
He is not the savior of her life.
There is an art to being the perfect girlfriend and not losing your sense of identity over a guy.
10 Do’s and Don’ts of a Good Girlfriend
Points 1 – 6 are DO’s of a perfect girlfriend:
1 . A good girlfriend focuses on herself
Remember that first and foremost, your life is about you.
You came here to this earth to experience what it feels like to be YOU. Not your boyfriend.
People are only rented for a short time. They are always temporary. Remember that always.
2 . Speak up | Perfect girlfriend tips
When you feel hurt or wronged, speak up for yourself.
Most guys are cool if you tell them you don’t like something they did.
However, if someone gets mad when you inform them of your boundaries, they could be toxic.
3 . Communicate your needs
Guys are pretty stupid when it comes to figuring out what girls mean.
You have to spell it our for them, that’s when they understand.
4 . 80/20 principle
As a girl, one of the things I need the most is validation and attention.
The 80/20 principle means that if you want something, you better do 20% in order to receive 80%.
If you want love and validation, throw in a couple of compliments to your boyfriend.
Then watch as you receive more work than you put in!
5 . A good girlfriend always has hobbies
As a girl, you should always occupy yourself with some hobbies of your own.
A boyfriend is not a hobby.
He is just a person who makes you feel better. He is not the reason for your existence.
6 . Take care of yourself first
Always put yourself first in the relationship.
Being goody goody is actually a turn off for guys. They hate too-nice girls.
Be sure to place yourself before a relationship.
If you had a choice between a guy and a job, I’d say go for the job.
That is the true way to be a perfect girlfriend.
Points 7 – 10 are about all the things you shouldn’t do to be a perfect girlfriend:
7 . A good girlfriend doesn’t take things personally
Guys just aren’t like girls.
They do things that hurt our feelings.
But that doesn’t mean we should retreat and cry our eyes out.
Just remember that guys like making jokes and they suck so don’t take them seriously.
8 . Don’t do anything that feels unnatural
If you want to be the perfect girlfriend, make sure you trust your gut.
If you feel a lot of doubt and anxiety regarding something, don’t do it.
Only do what comes naturally to you.
9 . Don’t go to extremes for them
A boyfriend is only a human. And humans can leave any time.
He is just a boy at the end of the day.
Don’t do crazy things, bending over backwards just for someone who doesn’t really care about you.
10 . A good girlfriend is not too clingy
Being clingy is cute and fun at the start of a relationship.
However, overdoing it is a huge turn off.
Guys don’t like girls who are too clingy.
That is how to be a good girlfriend.
I hope you will use some of these tips to be the perfect girlfriend.
Remember that these things might seem easy but girls always forget.
So, be sure to do things that make you a perfect girlfriend.
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