This post is about how to work smarter when studying. You don’t have to put in long hours of the regular stuff. If you work smart, you will be more efficient.
Without further ado, here are the ways you can work smarter and not harder when studying.
1 . PQRST Method
What is the PQRST method? This is a study method to help you study smarter. Each letter stands for a word: Preview, Question, Read, Summary and Test.
To preview, begin by lightly skimming through a chapter or topic. Be sure to pay extra attention to chapter titles, headings, and subheadings. Next, formulate your own questions based on the information you are studying. write your questions on a fresh paper.
Read your chapter again, but this time, keep your questions in mind.
S stands for summary. To summarize a chapter, use your own words to write down what you remember. Use short phrases to make memorizing easier.
Lastly, test yourself using the questions you created. Testing yourself is important because it helps you to simulate a real test. It will give you practice.
2 . Be organized
In order to study smarter, you must always be organized with your notes and study material.
Learn your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to school.
What subjects are you good and bad at?
Knowing where you stand is very important in working smarter and not harder.
3 . Set a strict routine
Creating and sticking to a routine is an underrated method to study smarter and not harder.
Routines are very important for human beings. It makes us very efficient. If you study every day like clockwork, it means you will get better grades!
4 . Set realistic goals
One thing I have realized is that getting hyped up to study all night almost never works. Avoid setting goals that are too extreme.
Commit to studying a little every day. That is not extreme. It’s sensible and doable, compared to drinking 2 cans of red bull and cramming for 2 entire exams the next day.
5 . Have the right mindset
To be good at anything in life, you must have the right mindset.
After some thought, I’ve realized that the best mindset to have is to know that hard work and consistency always gives good results.
Also remember that bad things happen in life, but so do good ones. Let go of negative mentalities and dust yourself off after a fall.
These are some ways to work smarter when studying.
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