What is ASMR, you ask? It’s only the easiest way to calm down and feel really good. It’s also termed as a “brain orgasm”, and you won’t know exactly how that feels until you try it out for yourself. ASMR is perfect for people with anxiety. It is perfect for bringing you peace, calm and […]
Archives for March 2019
7 Crystals to Use in the Spring Equinox
Spring is a time when the earth is born a new. It’s the ACTUAL new year. When the animals come out from hibernation, when the foliage begins to grow in beautiful shades of green, and when nature glows for the first time in a while. In this post, we shall find out the perfect crystals […]
32 Loving Self-Love Journal Prompts
This is a list of 32 self-love journal prompts. Get ready to fill up your brand new journal! If you, like me, enjoy journaling, then you know that not every day can you write about the going-ons of your day. Sometimes you need to reflect on your life. It’s times like these when you need […]
How to Get Rid of Anxiety in the Long Run
No one wants anxiety to stick around for long. You just want it to leave NOW. The strategies mentioned here are on how to get rid of anxiety in the long run. They compose a lifestyle that will help you to live without anxiety. Anxiety can be banished in a number of ways. You first […]